
Ugh. It's 99 degrees outside and feels like 107. Not my idea of fun! Accalia and Cole just went outside with the older neighbor girl to play in the pool. After lunch I was out with the kids for a while, but other than that we've been inside. With Cory working the majority of the weekend, it's been pretty quiet. I've been lonely, too, even though I'm never alone. We even had an extra child most of the day yesterday with the older neighbor girl here most of the day.

I can't say I've really accomplished a lot of my baby preparation stuff I had hoped to, although I did find my list of things I hoped to accomplish before baby arrives. I was even able to cross off a few things. I started straightening up the guest room, too, thinking we might want that ready in case somebody stays with us for a night or two after baby is here. That would probably be my mom and/or dad, although that completely depends on when the baby is born since my mom isn't just able to take off work at a moment's notice.

This week is the last week of Accalia's regular dance classes. Then it's on to rehearsals for the Riverboat Days performances. I have a prenatal appointment tomorrow, too. Cory's dad will be having shoulder surgery on Friday, so we may all head up there to see him depending on if he'll even tell us when the surgery is scheduled. He's had procedures done before and just told us afterwards because he says he doesn't want to be a bother. It drives Cory nuts.

I think I'll continue trying to pick up a few things upstairs. Hopefully Cory will be home in a couple hours.

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