
Ella and I have been up way, way too long already this morning, and it's only 7:30 a.m. Ella was so restless and just not falling back to sleep, so I got up with her at 4:30 a.m. Ugh. Cory got up a few minutes later because he was awake, too, and decided to get into work early rather than use time off so he can come back this afternoon to come to my prenatal appointment.

I've actually been somewhat productive in the three hours since waking up. I cleaned out the fridge and balanced the checkbook. I even took a shower. Now if only someone had magically cleaned our house, too.

I have to wake up the kids in about a half hour because Accalia is going to her last summer art class this morning. Usually she goes on Fridays, but it won't work this Friday because of dance rehearsal for Riverboat Days. Then, in the middle of the afternoon, I have my prenatal appointment. After that Accalia has practice for her gymnastics and ballet performances.

Every day this week that we can get everything accomplished that is scheduled - without me going into labor - will be a very, very good thing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sending good labor vibes your way. Take Care.
