
No baby yet. Sorry folks. I'm just happy to have made it past the last two days with everything that is going on.

On Thursday, we had about 2 1/2 hours of dance rehearsal. For the most part, Cole and Ella were pretty content. Cole was busy climbing nearby trees and collecting sticks and rocks and berries. Ella has insisted on wearing leotards and skirts to all dance functions lately, and she was happy sitting up near the stage with the other girls. I was also glad to make it to my hair appointment so that could be taken care of before the baby arrives. Cole accompanied me to that.

Cory took today off from work at the prison, which he usually does on the Friday of Riverboat Days. He does that in part so he can take Accalia to whatever dance practice she has in the morning, and it was very nice to have him take Accalia for the hour run through for Sunday's performance. Since Accalia didn't perform until nearly 7 p.m. today, we had most of the afternoon to relax or do something that wasn't dance related. At one point, I was upstairs wrapping Cole's birthday gifts so I can have that taken care of before the baby arrives, too. His gifts were in the closet in our spare room, and when I took those out I noticed a box of books. They must have been books I bought at Goodwill or other places at some point and just never found a place for on one of our bookshelves. Then I saw a big tote that was filled with all sizes of Accalia's old clothes and another box with some bigger sizes of her clothes. It was nice to find them because some of the outfits I had wondered about while getting out clothes for Ella in the spring. I was disappointed, too, because now they're too small and Ella missed out on wearing them. I have no idea why those boxes of clothes were in that closet, but it's possible that we put them up there when we moved back in (nearly 6 years ago) and just never took them back out. Most of that closet is filled with boxes of Cory's comics, so it's entirely possible that I've just ignored them.

Back to dance. We decided to go early to the amphitheater to try to get seats. Usually we don't show up until right when Accalia's supposed to be there since it's hard enough to keep the kids entertained for the length of the performances, but we decided that this year would be our best shot of being able to do it. So we showed up about a half hour before the opening ceremonies of Riverboat Days and close to an hour before the dance performances began. We found a spot, and the kids did fairly well during the three hours we were there. I was so uncomfortable by the end, though! Accalia had a great time doing her tap and gymnastics routines. I think Cory was taking pictures and/or video, so I'll try to post those this weekend. Don't worry, Diana, I also have a recent belly shot, so I'll try to post that, too.

Tomorrow, unfortunately, Cory goes in to deliver pizza at 3 p.m., so we're not going to have a lot of time to take in the festivities. We'll get up early tomorrow for the parade and head to the park right after to get our lunch. There are a few things the kids want to see and do, too, so we'll try to do all of that before Cory has to get home. Depending on how things go, the kids and I may head back there if they don't get their fill. Then Sunday will be Accalia's ballet performance and that will be the end of another Riverboat Days for us. Then this baby can come!

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