
Just writing this down for the baby book.

- Tylan's cord stump fell off sometime during the night of the 24th/morning of the 25th.
- Had a short baptism ceremony for Tylan on the 25th while my parents were here since we won't get back to Mankato and our church until late September.

You know, it's hard enough getting enough sleep all of the time with a newborn, but last night we had the fun of discovering a bat flying around upstairs. That definitely cut out any extra sleep we may have gotten. We're not actually sure where it went, but Cory thinks it got trapped in the guest room. Our plan last night was to call animal control this morning, but I don't know if that's what we'll still do. I'm putting in a call to the pediatrician about whether we should be checked out or do anything since this bat probably was flying around while the kids were sleeping. No visible marks on the kids and I rather doubt the bat actually landed on anyone, but I'm a little paranoid, especially with a newborn in the house.

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