
Today definitely didn't start off too great, and it ended up taking more than half the day before everyone seemed to be in decent moods. Ella was just miserable for most of the morning, crying about nearly every thing that happened. I battled a near migraine most of the day, too, which definitely didn't enhance any patience I had. We've all survived, though, and are in much better moods.

Cory is working tonight, the kids had about two hours of play with the neighbors, and now everyone is either watching videos (Accalia and Cole), walking around wearing a backpack and tiara (Ella) or sleeping in the sling (Tylan). I've been doing some straightening up since I basically just sat around most of the day.

Monday will be Cory's last day at home, and that makes me sad. It's been so nice having him around so much, and it's not even because of the help he gives around the house or with the kids. We normally don't have very much time at all just to hang out and relax together, so we've been doing things like trying to watch the past season of Prison Break before the new season starts.

So Cory will go back to work on Tuesday, but he'll take Wednesday off since that's Cole's birthday. We're going up to Sioux Falls to Chuck E. Cheese and then to see Wall*E at the cheap theater.

That's about it from here. I'll try to post more pictures soon.

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