
I imagine that I must be doing my version of nesting right now. I'd love to say I'm cleaning the house from top to bottom and perfectly organizing everything, but no. Instead, I'm attempting to keep up with more routine cleaning to make sure the house will at least be presentable if my friend K. is over here with the kids while the baby's being born and/or for anyone that may be over soon after the we come home from the hospital.

I did manage to take care of a few things on my to do list, including wrapping up the gifts that the baby has miraculously picked out for the older three, started packing a suitcase for the hospital and a backpack with some basics (clothes, etc.) for the kids. I thought there was more that I did today, but I guess not. Oh, I also got to the hospital to turn in my pre-admission form, so there's that, too.

Otherwise, it was a day mostly filled with the kids playing with the neighbors, most of the time outside but some of the time inside. I think the real indication of me trying to nest is how much I've been dreading the thought of the doorbell ringing all week, and it's only Tuesday! I just want us to be able to hole up and be done with the rest of the world for a while.

Oddly enough - based on those feelings - we're going to be out of the house for at least part of the day tomorrow. We're heading about 30 miles away to the town of Vermillion to do a few things the kids like to do and that we haven't done yet this summer. Hopefully it does end up being a fun time. I guess I can still enjoy not listening to that doorbell ring, huh?

I think I'm going to get ready for bed now.

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