
My parents arrived yesterday around 5 p.m. and left today around 1 p.m. So, it was a short trip, but it was very nice having them here. The older kids loved it because Grandma and Grandpa took them for walks and to the park and did all of those energetic running around things that I am not quite up to doing yet. Unfortunately Cory worked almost the entire time they were here except for a couple hours this morning.

Things have been going well, although I can tell I've been up and doing too much. I'm really looking forward to this week and having Cory home except for whatever pizza shifts he'll work. Tomorrow I think we're all going to try a short grocery shopping trip. I haven't left the house since we got home from the hospital on Wednesday, and I'm looking forward to getting out. Hopefully shopping with four children won't be too horrible the first time out.

Tylan continues to be most excellent at all of the things newborns do - eating, sleeping, etc. Today she gave one of those involuntary giggles while asleep, which was very cute. The other kids can't get enough of her yet, and Accalia is always asking if it's time to change her diaper. Wonder how long that will last...I can still tell that Ella's having the hardest time, but that only seems to come out when she's tired. All three kids are really tired today since they had to get up early to be awake for Grandma and Grandpa.

As promised, here are more pictures:


Shannon said...

Great pictures! I'm glad you're all doing well.

Anonymous said...

What wonderful pictures! Oh, she's just beautiful and I especially love the photo of all of you. I'm so happy for you all! I kept checking to see if she'd been born and then got busy with the weekend and just realized I'd better go peek. I'm so glad it went so well. HUGE smiles for all of you. :)

Anonymous said...

Love the pics, Amy. Nice family you've got there. The baby is beeeeautiful -- and now I know how to properly pronounce her name. :)

Anonymous said...

This is going to sound totally stalker-ish but we were at the dentist about a month ago on Lor Ray Drive and I could swear I saw this man and woman/your parents there!
I used to be on the SD unschoolers group (or some similar name) and "know" you from there and I also know Alicia IRL and found you by accident again by reading her blog and the resulting comments. Anyway, I skate thru your blog now and then and just HAD to comment on this, even though I'm probably wrong and it wasn't them...but I am still curious...cause it's such a small world and it would be a funny little coincedence. :o)
Congratulations on your sweet baby girl. We have 4 kids! Seems to be the magic number in many homeschooling families I've met. Odd but true.