
Another day of this weekend nearly finished and I think I may get through it without going into labor. Woo hoo! I'm so tired today, though. We all are. That's the tough part of this weekend. There are lots of early mornings and late nights. At least tomorrow morning the kids should be able to sleep in as late as they want since Accalia's dance performance isn't until later in the afternoon.

Last night was a late night since we watched the fireworks display (costing $1000 per minute and going for 20 minutes) from our backyard and alley, and then Accalia and Cole ended up staying up later because they had a new computer game they were trying to conquer. We were up early this morning to get to the parade route for a good spot, although we ended up being on the side of the street where the sun was shining directly on us. That made for some hot and cranky kids by the time the parade had been going for about an hour. The parade usually goes for 1 1/2 to 2 hours, so it does get long anyway. We ended up leaving early since the kids were restless and uncomfortable and headed down to the park for lunch. Then the kids did some things they had wanted to do and we wandered around a bit. We were all ready to head back home in the early afternoon, though, and Cory had to get ready to go to work.

I was really hoping we'd be able to rest and nap this afternoon, but the older neighbor girl was back from her dad's (the younger is now at her dad's), so Accalia and Cole were running around with her. Unfortunately, as always, she's usually not in the greatest mood when she returns home and that usually comes through in how she treats Cole. So, it hasn't ended up being very relaxing.

Poor Cory is probably going to be more exhausted than any of us by the end of this weekend, though. He's closing tonight and then goes in to work tomorrow morning and into the evening with a break to go and see Accalia perform.

Cory took videos of both of Accalia's performances from last night, but I can't seem to upload them to Blogger right now. I'll try again tomorrow if I have time.

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