
Another week, another prenatal appointment. Today's appointment was just fine. Everything's good - blood pressure, urine, baby's heartbeat. The baby is head down, so no worries about a breach at this point. I'm measuring at 37 weeks and will be 38 weeks tomorrow. I continue to think that this baby is going to be smaller than Ella (9 lbs. 3 oz.) Part of that is because, even though I'm only two weeks from full term and feel huge often throughout the day, I still don't feel big enough to be almost ready to have a baby. No signs of impending labor, which is a good thing in my book. I want to make it at least two more weeks. I have had a few more contractions today, but I think that's just a combination of being on my feet most of the day and just being exhausted. Last night was just not a good night of sleep for any of us.

This morning the kids and I went to have two new tires put on the van and what was apparently a slow leak repaired on another one. At least now we'll have good traction for any upcoming car trips. Other than that and the prenatal appointment, most of the day consisted of playing with the neighbor girls - both inside and outside. I sat on our front steps with the younger girl, and she told me all about how she and her sister share a room, and Nick has "that" room and now another guy has moved in and "sleeps upstairs with Mama." She didn't sound exactly pleased about the whole thing.

Cole and I are the only two awake, and I'm going to be ready for bed very soon. I'm exhausted just thinking about this being the beginning of the week!

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