
My LLL friend and her youngest did stop by yesterday afternoon and brought along a loaf of homemade bread, peaches from her sister's peach tree and a few tomatoes from her garden. Very yummy!

I, however, have been feeling not so great since yesterday evening. I threw up last night, too. I still feel nauseated today. So, I'm wondering if it's a sign of early labor (nothing else to accompany it like increasing contractions) or if I have the awesome timing of getting some sort of stomach virus. I've never experienced nausea during any part of late pregnancy or labor, so who knows?

I'm just happy with each day of this week that we make it through. This afternoon Accalia has run throughs for all three of her performances, so we'll be spending close to three hours (hopefully more like 2-2 1/2) down at the park amphitheater. Then I have a hair appointment tonight.

Wish me luck...


Anonymous said...

Good Luck! I'm excitedly waiting for the baby news!

hahamommy said...

Time for a belly shot!! I wanna see, I wanna see!! :D

Anonymous said...

checking the blog more often!!! Hope you were in labor and not sick!