
Tomorrow morning are the last soccer games of the fall for Accalia and Cole. I need to get myself and Cole to bed. Lately Cole has resisted doing pretty much everything until the very last moment. It makes for a big rush at the end when he decides to put on his pjs, go to the bathroom, etc. It's not just at bedtime either. I'm not sure if this is just a phase or if it's a part of his personality that's becoming more prominent.

Speaking of phases, Ella is going through one that has driven me nuts with the older two as well - dumping things out. I'll have just picked up all of the legos or the blocks or whatever, and Ella will come along and dump everything out. For the longest time all Ella wanted to do was to put things away in their containers. I remember when Cole would do this by finding the largest container he could and emptying out the contents of all of the smaller containers. We put up our stack of puzzles when he was going through this, too, because he'd just dump out all of the pieces at once. I remember Accalia doing this while I was pregnant with Cole, and her favorite thing was to take all of our DVDS and videotapes and put them in a huge pile.

Other than those minor annoyances, things are fine. Still tired and relying too much on caffeine to keep going, but I often forget, too, that Tylan is just six weeks old. It feels as if she's been around much, much longer. The chaos of our house is driving me crazy, but I'm honestly at a complete loss as to where I should even start.

Anyway, I'm tired and know I'll be the one rushing around getting everyone ready in the morning, so I'd better sign off.

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