
Here are a few pictures of the car (one estimate is around $2500 for repairs):

Notice the deer hair stuck in the windshield cracks in that second picture? From the one estimate done so far, the hood, front fender, windshield, one headlight, and the driver's side mirror will all have to be replaced. Cory also noticed a bit of shaking when he drove the car over 45 mph, so that will need to be checked out, too.

Cory claims to be a huge fan of deer hunting now.


Anne said...

That second photo would be really beautiful, in an abstract sort of way, if I didn't know the circumstances. But I'm so sorry you're going through this. You've certainly had your share of car troubles lately!

By the way, was the deer killed, or did it get away?

Mel said...

Yikes! I had no idea that deer fur is so thick! I hope it is a long, long time before anything else goes wrong with your vehicles.

Shannon said...


Anonymous said...

UGH!!! Glad you are safe Cory