
Today is Ella's third birthday! It turned out to be a really nice day, and I think Ella was pretty happy with it all. Do you think she looks happy?

Nope, definitely not happy.

Ella started out her day by opening presents. Cole had wrapped up a bunch of little toys from around the house, and he had a lot of fun unwrapping those for her. We gave her a Dora the Explorer backpack adventure kit, crayons and a Handy Manny coloring book, a Yo Gabba Gabba shirt and a pair of pants, and a Yo Gabba Gabba dvd. Can you guess what she's interested in right now?

Then we took her to get her picture taken, and she also picked out her birthday cake. We thought it would be fun for her to wander through the bakery and choose whatever looked good, and she chose a variety plate that had four different cakes. Yummy! We went to McDonald's for lunch so the kids could run around the playland. The last time we went to the playland, I was hugely pregnant and Ella didn't want to come down from the playland without my help, so I would have to haul myself up through the tunnels to get to her and slide down with her. Now she has no qualms about going up or down by herself.

Today we also dropped off the van and picked it up just a few hours later with a new distributor. It runs so nicely now! Cory was also able to pick up his car, so now we have two working vehicles again. Hooray!

Okay, I need to finish getting ready for bed so I can get Tylan to sleep, too.

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