
Thanks for the sympathy regarding Cory's crash with the deer. He's perfectly fine as far as we know. We're all going to the chiropractor tomorrow, so maybe something will pop up there. Anne, (sorry to hear about your car troubles, too!), that deer wasn't even killed! Cory didn't see it anywhere, so he probably just had a glancing blow from the car. We were hoping to hear back from insurance yesterday that they okayed everything so we could get the car in tomorrow, but we haven't heard back from them yet.

Just when you think our car troubles couldn't get worse, they, of course, did! Cory was using the van on Friday night to deliver pizzas and it started to stall kind of like it did a few weeks ago when we had that $500 worth of work done. He was able to get it in Saturday morning only to discover that the van now needs a new distributor to the tune of basically $500. There was a washer inside the distributor that was all mangled to pieces and was causing the worst of the stalling, so the mechanic removed it and cleaned out the distributor as best he could. The van is running good now and should hopefully make it until the new distributor arrives and we get that repaired.

At this point I almost wish we lived someplace where we could rely on public transportation and didn't even need our own vehicles!

Other than that, the weekend has actually been very nice. Cory worked from about 3-9:30 yesterday and 10:15-2:30 today. He went straight from work to buy a few groceries and should be home soon. I'm so glad he could do that for us today because it's a cold and extremely windy day and I wasn't really looking forward to taking the kids out.

Accalia had a birthday party to attend yesterday afternoon and had a fabulous time. The party was at the rec center, so the girls spent a couple hours swimming and going down the water slide. There was music and cake and party favors that Accalia is planning to use for Halloween since she's dressing up as Hannah Montana.

This coming week will hopefully be lots of fun for us, especially if we can get both vehicles back to fine running order. Cory is taking Wednesday off since it's Ella's third birthday. We're not planning anything too major. Accalia, Cole and I are planning a Yo Gabba Gabba party for Ella, and we're going to have lunch at McDonald's so the kids can run around the playland. I have a feeling this may be the last year (maybe second to last) where Ella doesn't really care what happens for her birthday. Then Friday, of course, is Halloween. Cory has that night off from delivering pizzas, so he'll be able to take the kids all over the place and I won't have to worry about the weather being too cold to take Tylan out and about in.

I'd better make sure there's a clear path through the living room so Cory can bring in the groceries soon.

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