
I thought this was a timely post since I had recently noticed how much more common the name Harper seems to be in the past couple years. Harper - as a girl's name - is one Cory and I had considered since my pregnancy with Accalia. Author Harper Lee was our inspiration. We were still contemplating it during my pregnancy with Tylan, but for whatever reason it just has never felt like the right choice. I wonder if now it's going to become rather common.

I think our kids' names will be a mix of the more common and more unique. I've never met or heard of another Accalia, although Myron says he heard a parent calling a child Accalia when we were at Disneyworld in 2002. Cole's pretty darn common, although I suppose that also depends on the part of the country you are in. Ella's somewhat common. I've never met another Ella around here, but I hear the name mentioned often with small children in the blogosphere. Tylan, I suspect won't be too common. While researching it a bit during my pregnancy, most references came up as boy's names and most were spelled Tylen.

I suppose we could keep Harper in contention if there were a baby #5, but I'm ready to be finished. Four seems to be what I can handle, and that's on the good days...

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