
Midafternoon I asked the kids if they wanted to go out to the aquarium one last time before it closes for the fall/winter on November 1, and they were very excited to do that. In all honesty, a part of me suggested that just to get out of the house and away from the neighbor girls. Accalia and Cole could barely come in the house to do anything without the girls being right there wondering where they were and when they'd be out again. As the kids ran to the house to get ready to go, I could hear the younger one yell to Cole, "No, Cole! You don't have to go right now! You can keep playing!"

Anyway, we were the only ones at the aquarium and were there at a perfect time. One of the game wardens was feeding the animals, so we saw him feed worms to the snakes, salamanders and frogs. I don't think the kids had ever seen those animals just swallow their food whole, so that was really neat for them. We also talked a bit about the albino catfish at the aquarium since we noticed that it no longer had this huge lump on one of its "whiskers." It turns out it was a cyst (non-cancerous) that had never been found on catfish before, so that's been documented. The catfish is 13 years old, which is nearing the end of its life in the wild. I suppose it will live a little bit longer since it's at the aquarium.

Other than that, the rest of the day has consisted of Accalia having ballet, finding out more details about a birthday party she's going to on Saturday, Cory having a really good counseling session, and us watching Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles and Prison Break.

Now I'm just waiting for my hiccuping baby to go to sleep so I can head there myself.

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