
Both soccer games went well yesterday. Cole scored three goals!

Today is overcast. It rained a tiny bit earlier in the day. The next couple days are supposed to be rainy, and that makes me happy. I'm really ready to just hole up in the house for a few days. I'm not sure why I'm feeling like this, but maybe we've just been out and about too much lately. I'd also really like a day or two without the neighbor girls here. They've both been here this weekend, and usually at least one is gone at their dad's. It's starting to feel like summer again when they were around constantly and hardly ever gave the kids a break from their presence. They were over this morning by 9 a.m. before Accalia or Cole were even awake. They don't seem to be in very good moods today either. Actually, they're usually rather cranky since school started.

The kids and I have been putting up Halloween decorations this weekend. Cole isn't quite satisfied that our house is spooky enough, though. There's a bed and breakfast a block away that has gone all out, and that's what Cole is trying to do here.

Okay, Ella's upset now after stumbling outside and I might try to tackle some LLL correspondence that I don't want to tackle.

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