
Cory called around 7:30 a.m. (I admit it - I was still asleep) to tell me he hit a deer on his way to work. He was just a few miles from work when it happened. Thankfully he's okay. The car probably isn't so great, but Cory thinks the damage may be limited to a dent on the front fender and a destroyed windshield and side mirror. Another prison employee picked Cory up to take him the rest of the way to work, and Cory thinks he'll be able to get a ride home. If not, here we are waiting. And we're back to having just one vehicle...

In other news, last night Tylan had a bit of a developmental moment. One of her favorite things is to be lifted in the hair and held horizontally so she can "fly". Last night she figured out that if she looks back down she'll see me and see that she's still connected to me. After that, all she wanted was to be lifted up so she could let her eyes track back down to me. It was really cute.

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