The family: Cory (apparently with a splitting headache) holding Tylan, Cole as Venom (without the mask), Ella as a shy princess, and Accalia as Hannah Montana
Accalia and her twin from next door, T.
A picture of all of the kids, including the neighbor girls.
A smiley Tylan to start off Halloween.
The kids had a fun time on Halloween and were ready to stop trick or treating after about an hour. Cory was willing to keep going with them, but they were worn out. Thankfully the weather was perfect for being outside.
It's been so odd having such warm weather in late October and early November, but that is supposed to change starting tonight or tomorrow. Parts of South Dakota are even going to be under blizzard watches. Yankton always seems to miss the worst of the winter weather, but we'll see how this year unfolds.
We really didn't have a lot going on the rest of the weekend. Cory worked, and the kids and I were around. Nothing too exciting. Cory and I watched Baby Mama at some point over the weekend.
The kids are all doing well. Tylan's just a very smiley baby, and the worst thing with her is a mild case of cradle cap. Ella's desire to dump things out has now brought its focus to our board games. That's driving me a bit nuts, but there are only so many that she can reach on her own. That helps limit how much gets dumped out at a time. Cole is kind of going through a phase where he sounds so negative and "I can't do that" or "I don't want to do that." All perfectly normal developmently, but I'll be glad when Cole's no longer so much of an Eeyore. Accalia continues to grow up so much and do so many things on her own. She's been so helpful in so many ways and is now saving up for an MP3 player.
I'm trying to feel less exhausted and more motivated, but it's not really happening. So, if you're coming here to be inspired, most likely that won't be happening for a while!
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