
I have been fighting off a headache since I woke up this morning. I think it will be a losing battle. It doesn't help that I'm also tired and have absolutely no motivation to do anything. I really hope this isn't the start of a cold.

The other evening was so odd. All six of us were awake (well, Tylan was probably sleeping some of the time), but it was so quiet even with all of us on the same floor of the house. I think Cory was at the computer most of the time. Accalia was reading much of the evening, and Cole and Accalia spent a lot of time at the table drawing and coloring. I'm not used to so much quiet with everyone awake, so that really stands out.

If anyone has a Spiderman or super hero loving child to buy for on their list, you might want to check out this great bargain. I was just browsing around the Amazon toys clearance and stumbled across it. I picked one up for the kids. We already have their gifts taken care of, but at that price I couldn't pass it up. All three will have a blast with it, and it should provide entertainment for Myron to watch them since it should be here before Thanksgiving.

Cole's going to help me make supper tonight - meatloaf, corn muffins, a veggie. Cole discovered his love of meatloaf at the hospital, of all places. When I was there after Tylan was born, meatloaf was the supper that night. It looked disgusting to me, but Cole immediately asked what it was and proceeded to eat most of it. Since then it's been one of his favorite things.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

mr g loves him some meatloaf too

Had lunch with Heather today after the nature center. Was fun.