
No one showed up at the LLL meeting this morning, which is what I expected. I was really unhappy to see that the meeting space was not really reserved for a group since half of the room is taken up with the circulation desk while the new one is being installed. I understand the necessity of that, but it would have been nice to have received a call about that as a way to acknowledge the reservation. So, I hung out in the children's area for about a half hour, keeping an eye out in case any mothers showed up. Ella was very happy to play with the toys and put together the puzzles.

It's been a cold and windy day today, so we've just stuck around home. Cory went to work at 3 p.m. and will hopefully be home soon. Cole and Accalia had Book It certificates for free personal pan pizzas from Pizza Hut (yes, homeschoolers can participate, too!), so they had those for supper. Ella had one, too, of course.

Couple entries for the baby book:

- Last night Tylan started making a "b" sound, and it is so cute to watch her screw up her mouth and engage me in conversation with this new sound. Cory hasn't heard it yet.

- This morning Tylan rolled from her stomach to her back. Hooray!

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