
I was going through some old emails that I'd saved and found a link to this website. I like it because I often come across children's books that look interesting, but I never know if the stories will be as good as the description.

Cory and I watched the 24: Redemption tv movie tonight. Now we can't wait for the new season to begin in January! I so need my weekly dose of Jack Bauer!

There's a possibility my cousin Jason might crash here tonight for a few hours of sleep, but I doubt that will happen since I haven't heard back from him yet.

No activities for the kids this week with the holiday, but we are definitely looking forward to going to the chiropractor tomorrow afternoon. Other than that, I guess the main work this week will be getting ready for Thanksgiving. Myron is coming Wednesday evening and staying until Friday. No one is looking forward to him having the dog along, but the dog will just have to spend the majority of his time in the kennel.

Now I think I'm going to try to get ready for bed and hopefully be in bed within the hour.

1 comment:

hahamommy said...

Aaaaaah, Jack is Back!! Mama had a great date with Kiefer tonight :) I too am looking forward to a regularly scheduled affair ;)

I've been immersing myself in all things dog psychology... remember it is the fault of the owner and not the dog for it's behavior! Also, help remind Cole (and you, I'm sure) that fear invites bites and calm dominance (a right to be right here and in charge) deters bites. Perhaps strongly recommending (gently requiring) the dog be taken out for walks as often & as long as possible - our family's new motto "A tired dog = One happy family" - tired dogs can't make trouble (especially not out of boredom & overwhelm). Hoping it goes well! <3