
Lately I've been making short updates on Facebook and keep forgetting that I haven't written anything here for a few days. Go ahead and friend me over on Facebook if you'd like!

Let's see about what's happened between Saturday and today. Cory worked later on Sunday rather than his usual morning into the afternoon, so he took Accalia and Cole to see Madagascar 2: Escape to Africa. The kids always love going to movies even if its not a particularly good movie, but they seemed to like this one. Cory thought it was so so. It would have been really nice for Ella to have gone, too, and just had Tylan had home, but Ella's not yet capable of sitting through a movie. Maybe next year.

On Monday we went over a friend's house in the afternoon since public schools were out Monday and Tuesday. Ella loves going there to dance with the oldest girl, and we didn't see Accalia, Cole or the younger girl for the entire time. Tylan was awake the entire time, too, so we knew it was time to go when she started getting fussy. Accalia had ballet later on in the afternoon.

Tuesday was nice because Cory had off work because of Veteran's Day. He spent much of it on the computer doing some work, but he also went out in the snow/rain (and took Ella) to pick up a few groceries. He also discovered a really flat tire on his car and ended up needing two new tires. It was something he knew was coming but was hoping to go a little bit longer before needing to replace. At least he'll have decent tires for the winter. Accalia had gymnastics later on, and then we sat around in the evening catching up on episodes of My Name is Earl.

Today was mostly a day around the house. I spent some time picking up in the computer room. Tomorrow I need to tackle the upstairs landing. Cory's working for a while tonight but will hopefully be home in about a half hour.

Ella is at an age right now where she's starting to really follow movie plots. Tonight she saw some of Cinderella and was yelling at the tv because of Cinderella leaving the glass slipper behind at the ball. The other day she was watching the Spongebob Squarepants movie and was in tears because she thought Spongebob was dead. I remember Accalia and Cole nearly being in tears the first time they saw that, too. Thankfully you're not left in suspense too long.

I have to finish up my semi annual report for my LLL work by Saturday, so maybe I'll actually tackle some of it tonight.

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