
I'd just like to say how happy I am to not be in western South Dakota right now and buried under nearly four feet of snow. Yikes! Here in Yankton we have the wind and the cold temperatures, but we only have a dusting of snow. The grass isn't even covered, but that hasn't stopped Cole from going outside and doing as much as he can to play in that snow. Poor Cory is out delivering pizzas, and I'm sure it's busy with more people probably not wanting to head outside.

Today Cole and Accalia went to art, but that was it for anything outside the house. Apparently it's dangerous enough inside the house! I was loading the dishwasher - carrying Tylan in the sling - and I stepped back, forgetting that a step stool was right there. I fell and was able to turn so I didn't fall straight back, but I still ended up messing up my foot and leg a little. I was, of course, much more worried about Tylan getting hurt, but she was fine. It scared her a lot, though, and took a while to calm her down.

Otherwise, Tylan is doing just fine. She's getting more hair, and it's coming in darker. I wonder if it will stay darker like Ella's has or if she'll be blond like Accalia was for quite some time. Today Ella is taking great delight in falling and then jumping up to say "I okay!" This started before I fell. Cole, other than playing in our trace of snow and engaging me in light saber fights, is wanting to spend more time playing by himself. It used to only be Accalia that requested the gate being put up at the bottom of the stairs so no one else would follow her. Cole's doing that occasionally, too. Accalia and I had to watch the latest episode of Bones online (that's our show to watch together). We're also reading the Calvin and Hobbes comic strip together. Remember that? I loved that when I was a kid.

Okay, I have a poopy diaper to change. Tomorrow is LLL. I doubt anyone will show up. I've already had two moms let me know they won't be coming.

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