
Gorgeous day today. It's around 50 and tomorrow will probably be warmer. Gotta love a little preview of spring in the midst of winter. Thankfully it's great weather for travel, and Cory's doing a bit of that later on today. He's going from work up to Mitchell to watch our niece Mariah's basketball game. That means he won't be home until 9:30 at the earliest, but I know he'll have fun hanging out with his brother and family. Accalia and I are looking forward to snuggling up and watching the new Bones episode tonight.

So, it's been roughly 5 1/2 months since Tylan was born. I still have that 15 pounds to lose to get back to prepregnancy weight, and I'd love to do that before the summer and swimsuit season. I don't know that it's very realistic, though. I just don't want to have it be two years down the road and still be talking about losing the last of that baby weight!

What's new this time around is that this is the first child where we've decided this will be the last, and we're not at all conflicted with that decision. No second thoughts yet, although I'm sure somewhere down the line I'll yearn for another little baby. Or maybe I'll just yearn to hold someone else's little baby! I'm excited about getting rid of a lot of the baby stuff we'll no longer need, stuff that has been in and out of storage for nearly the past decade. I think we're going to try to have a garage sale in the spring or summer. We'll be getting rid of all of the boy stuff and all of the too small girl stuff. Oh, I know we'll save a few items that have sentimental value, but we'll definitely open up a lot of space in the basement. I'll also be getting rid of maternity clothes. It's sad that I still have maternity clothes hanging up and in my drawers. Tells you how good a job I've done storing things away.

Perhaps the hardest decision, though, is what pregnancy/birth books I'm keeping and giving away. There are just a few I'm keeping, and I'm keeping those because I want to be able to save them for my daughters if they one day give birth. The ones I'm saving are timeless and empowering. I'm also saving the children's books we have since those are something the kids like to hear/read whether or not there's actually a baby on the way. Then there are a few books I'm donating to LLL when I pass along all of the Yankton group supplies to the next nearest group hopefully in the near future.

Okay, I have two children climbing over me right now, so I'm going to have to wrap this up. Enjoy the day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The pounds will come off... you are not me! LOL. We want to have a garage sale this spring too! WE will probably have another one but there are things we don't use... like the baby tub...never use that...maybe some of the too little Bot stuff... save a bit of the baby but I don't even have much of that cause Pam has it I think... Goodness if we have another boy the stuff will be like nine years old or potentially 12 years old before baby would be wearing it!