
It looks as if we're in for some lovely winter weather tomorrow. If the trend continues, though, Yankton will get little to nothing. Everything seems to stay up north for the most part. I hope it does, too, so Cory doesn't have problems traveling to or from work.

Speaking of Cory, he took today off so I could see my doctor about my foot. What a nice guy. I took Tylan with me, of course, but the other kids stayed at home with Cory. A couple months ago I tripped backwards over a step stool and hurt my foot but figured it was just twisted pretty bad. I think I just ignored it or put it to the back of my mind until a couple weeks ago when I realized my foot was still bothering me. It turns out I broke a bone in my foot, but since it's not hindering me from doing much there's nothing the doctor will do. Gosh, I was looking forward to wearing a fancy boot, too! My doctor said it could take six months for a bone to properly heal, but I hope it won't be that long.

In other news of the week, we gave Tylan her first taste of solids on Sunday, and she seemed rather intrigued by the mashed banana. Actually, she was probably more interested in sitting in the high chair and chewing on a spoon, so I don't think she's very interested in solids yet. Not a problem for me!

I should try to get to bed earlier tonight since Ella fell asleep early and will probably be up early. Not sure if I'll be successful, though.

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