
Hello neglected blog! Sorry about the two week absence of posts for those of you still around.

I guess I should wrap up my whole injured foot story. Just a couple days after I went to the doctor, Tylan dropped a hard toy of hers right on my foot. Yeouch! I was limping around even more and ended up going to convenient care that Sunday afternoon. I had xrays there, and it turns out nothing is broken. Good news, I guess. And actually, my foot has been feeling much better lately, so I guess it's just been a long, slow mend.

My parents came for a night last weekend. Unfortunately it was cold and snowy, so it wasn't great weather for outdoor stuff. We still drove around the lake area to search for eagles and look at the large flocks of geese and ducks congregating on the open water. Then we went to the Dakota Territorial Museum. I remember going there years ago with possibly just Accalia around, and I wasn't sure that the kids would enjoy it. They did, though, and Accalia proclaimed that it felt like we had gone into the past.

The night before my parents came, Cole started to get sick. Now, about five days later, he's starting to get better. We thought it was just a cold before, but now we think he might have had a bit of the flu. There can't just be one sick child either, so now there are three more. Accalia seems to have more of a cold with a bad stuffy nose. Ella is down for the count with a bit of a fever. I'm really hoping it's not the flu for her. Tylan definitely isn't feeling good and has spent all day curled up in the sling nursing.

Last night I was really looking forward to sleeping since I've had too many days in a row of too little sleep. Of course it ended up being a short, disruptive night with three of the kids waking up crying because of an ache or pain or just having weird, scary fever dreams. I'm hoping tonight will be better, but I'm not going to press my luck.

My cousin Chris stayed with us Monday night. That was really nice since we hadn't seen each other for more than three years. It's too bad the kids weren't feeling better. I warned Chris off because of illness, but he said he's pretty resilient.

So that's a quick update while the kids are mostly calm and content.

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