
I need to get myself to bed. I woke up this morning with a bit of a headache and seem to be getting another one now. It was a fairly uneventful weekend, and I didn't really get much accomplished. I guess I sorted through Tylan and Ella's winter clothes, putting away the outgrown items and finding spring/summer clothes to add to the drawers.

Yesterday Accalia's ballet class performed at a local nursing home. Cory had to go to work, so the kids and I went without him. There were 3 or 4 other classes that also performed, and it was a nice little performance. Thankfully Cole and Ella were fairly content throughout, and Tylan started to get a little screechy only toward the end when she was getting tired and hungry.

So this weekend there was lots of Wii playing, some papier mache, some play with the neighbors, and an assortment of other things that aren't coming to mind right now.

Off to bed!

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