
This morning I took Tylan in for her six month checkup (she turns six months on the 19th), and Ella came along. Cory was home today, and Accalia and Cole thought it would be more fun to stay with him and play Wii. All is well. Tylan weighs 15 lbs. 13 oz., which puts her in the 50th percentile, and is 27 inches tall, which puts her in the 90th percentile. She's gained nearly 3 pounds and grown 2 inches in the past two months, so it's pretty much what I was expecting.

Cory did have a few counseling appointments tonight, and even though it was me alone with the four kids, I managed to have a very quiet and relaxing time. Accalia and Cole were watching a new movie on tv, Ella was at the computer, and Tylan was sleeping in my arms, and I just sat and read for about an hour with absolutely no interruption. I'm not sure that's happened since Tylan was born. It was so refreshing!

I have a list of errands for tomorrow, though, so life will have to get busy once again. Yee haw.

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