
Oh, my poor neglected blog! Everyone and everything seems to conspire against me every time I sit down to write. LIke now, Tylan has just woken up and filled her diaper. Good timing, little lady!

I hope that everyone who is celebrating Valentine's Day is enjoying themselves. Cory's working right now, but for lunch we had our traditional fettucine alfredo and then cheesecake for dessert. Cory and I were able to just sit and relax and linger while the kids played all around us. Very nice. And apparently we're all in the mood for ice cream treats today. Cole wanted push pops, Accalia and Ella wanted popsicles, and Cory and I wanted our fave Ben and Jerry flavors (karamal sutra for Cory and cherry garcia for moi).

I can't believe it's been a week already since we went to Bald Eagle Days. That was a lot of fun for the kids, and the presentation was packed. We were able to see four live birds: a red tailed hawk, a deer falcon, an Eastern screech owl, and a bald eagle. Accalia and Cole thought it was hilarious that the bald eagle pooped on the ground. I actually only saw the hawk and the bald eagle because I spent most of the time wandering around the visitor's center with Ella and Tylan. Neither was able to be as quiet as was preferred for when the birds were out - Ella tends to talk a lot and Tylan started in with squealing.

Okay, gotta wrap this up. Ella has just been cranky and practicing her most annoying behaviors on the other kids today. I think she's tired. Looking forward to having Cory home on Monday. Tylan will have her six month check up that day and already turns six months on the 19th. Can't believe it's already been half a year!

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