
Less than two hours until we go to the chiropractor! Hooray! I'm fighting off a headache right now and know that getting adjusted is going to make me feel so much better. Hopefully I won't be as prone to migraines after this adjustment.

Our Friday hasn't been too out of the ordinary so far. Accalia and Cole went to the art studio this morning, and Ella, Tylan and I ran to do a couple errands. Other than going to the chiropractor soon, we really don't have much going on. Cory will be working tonight and is actually looking forward to it.

The kids are staying busy and don't have too much cabin fever at this point. I think, though, that they're getting close to either wanting spring here or to have another big snowstorm. I'm sure the latter will happen soon enough. We're supposed to have fairly warm temperatures over the next few days, so at least it won't be a struggle to just go out and run errands.

Accalia has been scouring the house for all of her old Nick magazines and comic books. She's been on such a reading kick with those and has been wanting something new, so I was very happy to find a new Nick comic collection at the store today. Accalia was also very excited on Tuesday to learn some of her gymnastics routine for the spring recital and know what song they'll be using in the routine - Under the Sea from The Little Mermaid.

Cole has been dividing his time between drawing/coloring and playing Webkinz. He's also started doing some word find puzzles. Out of all the kids, I know he's most eager to get outside and play in the dirt once again. I should sit down with him and come up with plans for our garden/yard this year. He's already told me that he wants to plant flowers that will attract butterflies and hummingbirds, which won't be too difficult.

Ella seems to have gotten past a lot of the behaviors I'd been finding so challenging lately. Rather than having the urge to run around in stores, she now wants to help by pushing the cart or just riding in it. Her vocabulary has bumped up again, and I notice that she's adding more and more descriptive words to her sentences. She also spends a lot of time looking through books and magazines and "reading" them.

Tylan doesn't seem to be still unless she's fast asleep. As soon as I put her on the floor, she rolls over and starts reaching for the closest thing so she can put it in her mouth. She tries desperately to move her body forward, too. At times she'll roll over again and again and make it halfway across the room, but I'm perfectly fine if she decides not to be different from the other kids and be an early crawler or walker. Totally fine with that.

Soon I should prepare supper early so it'll be ready for Cory to eat quick after the chiropractor and before he heads off to work.

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