
I have completely failed my children when it comes to cooking from scratch. Today, as I was preparing to make brownies from scratch, Cole told me I didn't know how to do that. I told him I had a recipe, and he seemed to accept that. Then, when I gave him a piece of the finished product, he gave me a thumbs up and said, "Wow, this almost tastes like the brownie mix!" Sigh.

Today my two accomplishments have been bathing Ella and cleaning the upstairs landing. The rest of the house, unfortunately, will just have to speak for itself. Since yesterday, Accalia in particular, has been playing a lot of the Wii game Cooking with Mama. Shannon so generously sent it to us, and it's exactly the type of game Accalia enjoys. She was especially pleased today when she was able to make ratatouille.

Other than that, there's not a lot going on. Cory worked last night and is working for a while tonight as well as tomorrow. Tonight I think we may try to watch Hancock, but that's about all the excitement from over here.

So, other than playing Wii, the kids have been up to one thing or another. Accalia spends a lot of time listening to music and dancing or doing gymnastics. She's working on her ballet routine for the spring recital and is getting excited about that. Cole is doing a lot of drawing, and lately our dining room table is usually covered with paper and drawing/coloring utensils. Ella's doing a little of everything the older two do and is especially proud that she's playing a Wow Wow Wubzy game on Nick Jr. that requires both hands doing different controls. Tylan is grabbing for everything and wants to put everything in her mouth. It will definitely be an adventure when she's mobile and wandering around the house.

I'm hoping tonight will be quiet and relaxing. Last night was neither, and we were all up way too late. I can tell the kids are a little short on sleep.

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