
I have had the most difficult time getting up in the mornings lately. This morning Ella was probably awake and ready to get up an hour or more before we actually did. I just told her it wasn't time to get up yet, and I think she just snuggled up next to me. I'm amazed that she did that. Maybe it's the time of year that makes me just want to hibernate. It definitely feels like that this week with the frigid temps. It really doesn't help that Tylan usually snoozes until 9:30 or 10 before she wakes up for the day. Not a lot of incentive to get up and going when you know you'll just have a sleeping baby most of the morning. Not that I'm wishing she'd get up super early...

Because of the cold weather, we're really limiting our outings, particularly for Tylan's sake. Yesterday we did have to run out to pick up a few groceries, but we survived that trip. Then, in the afternoon, we had the visiting day at Accalia's gymnastics class. Cole's tumbling class has visiting day today.

Have to get this down for Tylan's baby book: The latter half of month 4 is definitely a time of increasing hand-eye coordination. Not only does she grab at everything with great accuracy, she is also doing more passing things back and forth between her hands. She's also rather enthralled with her ability to move her arm up and down as if she's waving at you. Another neat thing about this age is that Tylan is showing me that she wants to be with me for more reasons than just as her food supply. She's been doing this more and more, especially when she sees someone else in the family and wants to make sure I know she doesn't want to be passed to them. She did this last night with Cory. She was so excited to see him but pressed herself against me to make sure I wouldn't hand her over right away.

Okay, have to take care of one or maybe two diapers now.

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