
Happy New Year! I hope 2009 is off to a wonderful start for all of you. It hasn't been a particularly spectacular day today, partly because I had a headache that I just couldn't get rid of until I went out and bought Excedrin. Then it disappeared. I think I need a new pillow.

This has been a nice week because we had so much more time with Cory at home. Normally Cory delivers pizza on Wednesdays, but for whatever reason he had yesterday off. We had told the kids we would order pizza for New Year's Eve, so we did that. Then we just hung around all evening, continuing to catch up on this season of Pushing Daisies. It wasn't that huge of a thrill for the kids to stay up until midnight since it seems that one or two of them are usually awake close to that time most nights. The idea of welcoming a new year was fun, though, and we had made homemade noise makers out of toilet paper rolls and tissue boxes that were put to good use at midnight.

Today, after most of the family sleeping in at least a little bit, we headed out so Cory could get in some bald eagle viewing. We saw two adult eagles around the same place I snapped pictures of the one the other day, and we watched another soar around the dam for a few minutes. Then we ran to the store to pick up a few things, including new socks for Accalia. She was very happy about that since all of her socks seemed to develop holes over the past month.

Other than that, Cory took down our outside Christmas decorations, and I put away the Christmas village. Tomorrow I'm going to work on getting more stuff put away. Unfortunately tomorrow is back to reality with Cory returning to work and me having to pay bills. Yippee. Cory's going to resume his early morning swimming at the rec center, which he's very excited about since his dad gave us another year's membership as our Christmas gift.

Now I should put Ella up in bed since she fell asleep on the couch. Tylan has woken up again, but she shouldn't be too hard to get back to sleep. Accalia and Cole are building with legos, and I'm going to start getting ready for bed. That's about all from here on the first day of 2009.

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