
Cory's aunt Pat - Mary's only sister - died Thursday. I'd written in the past about her health problems over the past year or so, and just recently she was also diagnosed with lymphoma. Things went downhill very quickly. She developed pneumonia and was airlifted to Sioux Falls and put in a medically induced coma for a couple days because of a blood infection. She was never taken out of sedation and died quickly after being taken off life support.

Pat was always the one from Mary's side of the family that kept us informed of events and sent cards or little treats to the kids. She was the one who invited all of us to her house on Christmas for that first Christmas after Mary died. She was the one of Mary's siblings (she also has two brothers) that Cory saw the most of when he was growing up. I think it's even more difficult in some ways because Cory knows what Pat's four daughters will be going through mourning the loss of their mother, coming home to visit and not having her there to talk with and play with the grandchildren, not being able to pick up the phone and chat for any reason.

We're leaving tomorrow afternoon to head up north about three hours. The visitation is tomorrow, and we should be able to make it in time for that after Cory gets off work. The funeral is Monday morning. So I've started packing and getting things ready for this trip.

1 comment:

Shannon said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your loss.