
We've been out of the house and running around for most of the day, and it just now feels like I'm getting a chance to try to calm the chaos of things in this house. The dishwasher and washer are both running, and next I'm going to tackle the mess on the table even though that's the last thing I actually want to do.

This morning we were up and out of the house so Accalia and Cole could go to the party at the art studio while Ella and I did a bit of shopping. She wasn't really in the best mood, though, so it wasn't the most pleasant trip for me. Accalia and Cole had fun at their party - no surprise there! - and said they saw a real elf.

Then we ate lunch and were off to the doctor's for checkups for Ella and Tylan. Ella weighs in at 39 pounds and is 42 1/2 inches tall. Tylan is 13 lbs. 4 oz. and is 25 3/4 inches tall. Both are considered pretty tall for their ages, and Tylan's in the 50th for weight. Both are doing well, but Ella played shy with the doctor and didn't give him a very good chance to look at her eyes. He said if we just notice them crossing occasionally - when she's tired, having trouble focusing, etc. - that it's probably just something she'll grow out of soon enough. If it becomes more persistent, though, we'll take her to an eye doctor.

Then we were back home for a short time before we had to take the van to the mechanic's to have a couple belts replaced. The van's done now, but we can't pick it up until tomorrow morning since Cory's working right now.

I really wish I could magically get all of these household chores done in an instant so I could just work on preparations for our trips to Mankato and Lake Wilson.

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