
Brr would pretty much describe today. I'm assuming we reached 0 degrees, but I'm not sure. It's been blowing all day, but we thankfully didn't get much snow. The kids and I were able to stay inside and keep warm, but Cory was delivering pizzas for a few hours. A helpful tip for those of you ordering pizza (or any sort of food) when the weather is bad: tip! I think it's incredibly rude to not want to go out yourself to get food and then not tip the person who is going out in that weather to bring you the food. That's probably up there with people who tell you they can't afford a tip. Umm, if you can't afford to add a couple dollars onto the cost of the pizza, then you probably shouldn't be ordering a pizza in the first place.

Okay, enough ranting in defense of pizza delivery folks. After he finished that, Cory ran to the store to pick up a few groceries. Then we put our plan in motion for surprising the kids with an early Christmas present - the Wii. While Cory set the Wii up downstairs, I took all of the kids upstairs so we could do a 20-minute clean up. For some reason, the kids find it fun to set the timer and spend that time picking up toys. So we did that and then came back downstairs to find Cory sitting on the couch with a Wiimote in his hand and a game on the tv screen. Accalia and Cole were so excited. Accalia really likes the bowling game on Wii Sports, while Cole likes the shooting game on Wii Play. He also really likes the Freddi Fish game we picked up from a Cyber Monday deal. Ella seems to be happy as long as she can hold a Wiimote and doesn't seem to care whether or not she's actually playing anything.

We have very poor insulation with some of our windows, and so we woke up this morning to find frost on the inside of the windows. Yikes! I had the kids take advantage of it, though, by "painting" on the windows with paintbrushes and warm water.

Okay, I have a couple diapers to change and then the challenge of settling down a bunch of excited, happy kids. We're all on such a late night schedule, and the last few days have been rather rough. I don't mind us being a bunch of night owls. but the last three or four nights have been quite restless and are starting to drain me.

1 comment:

Shannon said...

I completely agree about tipping!