
I have hopes that tonight will be a much more peaceful night than last. Ella fell asleep at 6 p.m. yesterday, and I knew that wouldn't be good. I actually tried to wake her up, but couldn't. She slept for a few hours and woke up tired and cranky and stayed that way until 2 a.m. Yay. I think I attempted to get her to sleep three times before it actually worked. Then we were up way too soon, and I am exhausted and continuing to fight off a headache. Ella fell asleep around 8 p.m. tonight, so I think it may go better this time around. Let's hope so because I have LLL in the morning. Last meeting for the group and then I'm shutting her down.

With Ella asleep and Accalia and Cole spending a lot of tonight playing in their room, I sat down and watched one of my all time favorite movies - Love Actually. I always cry at the end no matter what. Cory's probably happy he's delivering pizza tonight and doesn't have to watch it with me. Actually, if he were home we would probably be watching The Dark Knight.

Other than LLL tomorrow, Santa's flying into the airport, so I'm taking the kids to do that. Much holiday cheer should ensue. I also hope to wrap some presents, too.

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