
It was a second night in a row with Cory home in the evening. Lovely. Tomorrow he'll be delivering pizzas, so I've been enjoying the time. Accalia felt well enough to go to gymnastics today, and I signed up to provide treats for her gymnastics class and Cole's tumbling class when they have their Christmas parties in a couple weeks.

My mom called tonight to tell me that my grandma (her mom) was diagnosed with cancer. Grandma had gone in a couple weeks ago and had a scan because of a blood clot they discovered in her pelvis. They had noticed some suspicious spots during that scan, and it turns out that there is cancer in her aorta, abdomen and kidney. She doesn't plan to do any chemo. I have a feeling the rest of us are probably more sad about this than she is, which is probably not horrible for her. With my grandpa being diagnosed with lung cancer earlier in the fall, one of her biggest fears has been being left alone after he dies. Now they both know that they won't have to be without each other for long, and I think that gives them comfort. Me, I'm working on it. My biggest fear is that they'll linger on and get to the point that Mary was where she was praying and praying to die. I don't want them to have to suffer like that.

I hate to leave this entry on such a somber note, but I have to get a few more things done before bed.

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