
Let's hope 2009 is a much better year for vehicles with us. Cory's car is in the shop once again (damn Fords) because his alternator went out AGAIN (third time this year). The alternator did have a six month guarantee, though, and it just happened to go out exactly six months to the day, so hopefully we can have that cost reimbursed. An additional expense, though, is that his front brakes are basically gone, so those are being taken care of now, too. He should have his car back tonight, so that will be very nice. We've been using just the van since Friday. Maybe, instead of Congress bailing out the auto makers, they could send a little our way to bail us out. Yikes!

So Cory's coming home a little early to get Accalia to ballet and for us to pick up his car, etc. He has two later counseling sessions tonight, so we won't get to hang out much.

I should really get back to loading the dishwasher. I stopped because Tylan was fast asleep and knew I wouldn't have much longer to type undisturbed, but she's awake now and is practicing her increasingly excellent grabbing skills.

1 comment:

Shannon said...

Sorry to hear about the car! Unexpected expenses are the worst.