
It was another busy Saturday morning. Cole had a soccer game at 9 a.m. and Accalia at 10:15 a.m. It had rained for part of the night and I wasn't sure if they would want to play games on the wet fields, but the fields were full when we arrived. I was only able to see Cole's game because I had to leave for La Leche League. Ella (and Tylan, of course) came with me while Cole and Cory cheered Accalia's team on. Two mothers attended the meeting, including one whose fourth baby arrived on Cole's birthday (Sept. 3).

Cory works for a bit today. Accalia and Cole have been outside playing with the older neighbor girl for much of the afternoon. I think tonight we're probably just going to hang out and watch a movie.

I'm still on a quest to find a pair of jeans that will actually fit Ella. I found a place online that sells jeans that fit over cloth diapers and should be roomier than the slim jeans every other store seems to sell, but unfortunately the size Ella needs was out of stock. I usually don't even bother looking for jeans for Ella since she's never fit into them as an infant or toddler, but on Saturday in Mankato all of the grandchildren on my side of the family are getting their picture taken together, and my younger brother suggested all of the kids were blue jeans and white shirts. Sure, that sounds simple enough, doesn't it? It's not as if Ella is abnormally large. She's definitely more solid than any of my other kids and doesn't have the tiny thighs or bottoms that they do. I may have found a pair from Kmart that will work, but I have to exchange the pair I bought to see if a larger size will be okay. Ella fits into a 3T for the length, but this particular brand has 3T fitting 28-33 pounds, which is way too slim for Ella. Ella's about 37 pounds right now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have you thought about trying boys jeans for her? I think they're usually a lot more roomy, and a plain pair might work out well with a really cute shirt.