
More pictures of the kids...

Yesterday I woke up feeling so achy, but I don't think I'm getting sick. I think I just slept in a really poor position. I shouldn't complain about our nights at all, though. If I didn't get up to change Tylan's diaper once during the night, I probably wouldn't get up at all. She'll stir when she wants to nurse or shift positions, but at this point I don't have to get out of bed with her because she's wide awake or fussy. Of course, that will change in an instant.

Tylan has had some fussy evenings lately, and last night Accalia kept asking what was wrong. I explained that even if the diaper's dry, the belly's full, etc., sometimes babies will just cry a little bit. Once I had Tylan back in the sling and moving around, she was out almost instantly. Tylan does seem to be a rather gassy baby and spits up a bit more than Ella or Accalia did, so that might cause her some discomfort every now and then.

The other kids are doing great. The majority of the adjusting that Ella has been going through seems to have been taken care of within the past week. Not that she doesn't still have her moments, but one day last week she woke up and was back to her old self with much less clinging and whining. We'll see if this continues.

Accalia has soccer practice tonight, and we have a few errands to run, but that's about it for today. I've been feeling extremely unmotivated, although I did catch up on all thank you's that needed to be written.

Tylan's awake and not interested in sitting still at the computer, so I'm going to get moving.

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