
We need to pack today for our trip to Mankato, and I'm really not that excited about the task. I'm sure it will go more quickly than I imagine. We're not leaving until later in the afternoon tomorrow, too, so we won't have to rush around in the morning. Look at me, I'm trying to psych myself up!

Cole has soccer practice tonight, and Cory will be around for that. So he'll either take Cole by himself or we'll all go and hang out at the soccer fields. We may end up doing that just so I can take a break from the neighbor girls. It's better now that they're in school and have to go in earlier, but spending the day in school doesn't always help out their moods. I think it would make a big difference if they came home from school and just sat inside their own house for a little bit, relaxing, having a snack, etc. That usually doesn't happen unless the older one has homework to do before she can go outside. Otherwise they rush out the second they come home.

Accalia had a soccer game on Tuesday, so the kids and I headed to that since Cory had counseling appointments. An old acquaintance from LLL was also there since her daughter was playing on the other team. We hadn't seen each other in more than a year, so it was nice to catch up. She has a new baby, too - a four-month-old girl.

Tylan has fallen back to sleep now so I'm going to try to get a shower in if she can stay asleep for a few minutes.

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