
While there always seem to be reasons to not be satisfied with life, I'm counting my blessings and holding them close to me. A woman I've worked with in LLL over the past few years lost her husband to a massive heart attack. I'm not sure of her husband's age, but I'm assuming it's the about the same as hers (late 30s, early 40s).

Thankfully, our lives have been pretty uneventful over the weekend. Yesterday the kids were so excited to see a huge, double rainbow in the afternoon. Today, while Cory was working just a few hours at the pizza place, we dropped in so his boss could meet Tylan. Apparently she's been asking quite often about being able to see the baby. Later in the afternoon, as we were getting ready to all go together to pick up a few groceries, Accalia declared that her stomach hurt and she felt like throwing up. So Cory stayed at home with her (she loves it to be just the two of them because they sit and play video games together), and I took the other three to get a few groceries. Accalia did indeed throw up and has continued over the course of the evening. She's been in bed since around 7 p.m.

Now I think I'll see about getting Cole, Tylan and myself to bed.

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