
Yesterday was a really good day, and I'm hoping that today will follow suit. It was a perfect spring day - upper 60s, sunny, slight breeze - and we spent much of the day outside in the yard. Tylan loved it. I cleaned out our back porch area (I never know what to call it because it's not really a porch or a deck), we filled the sandbox with sand, I gave wagon rides, we picked up fallen willow branches, etc.

We never did see the neighbor girls, but Cole's new friend from the neighborhood, Ian, found his way over. The two have a shared love of Ben 10, and much of their play revolves around that. I can't help but see how it is when Cole and Ian play together compared with when the neighbor girls are over, and it's so much more peaceful and void of drama. Maybe it's because there's just one of Ian and none of the rivalry and fighting that seems to come with the two sisters. I don't know. Sometimes I think I'd do much better as a mother to all boys, but that's not really a helpful thought when three of your four children are girls.

Today Cole has tumbling and then soccer practice (first of the season). I'd continue blogging about our Easter weekend in Mankato, but Ella has climbed up behind me in order to use the computer and it's rather hard to concentrate when she's pulling apart my ponytail. So, I'll take my coffee and take care of some other things.

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