
This week is going to be insane. I always feel like this as the week of the dance recital starts, but we always manage to survive. The first of the three dress rehearsals (one for gymnastics, one for ballet, one for tumbling) was tonight, and it went well for Accalia. Unfortunately for me, the group before Accalia had to go through their routine three times, and now I have the Coldplay song they danced to stuck in my head. Urg. Tomorrow night is Accalia's ballet rehearsal, Friday is Cole's tumbling, Saturday is a two hour run through for each of the recitals (a 2 p.m. and 5 p.m. show), and Sunday is the big day.

In addition to dance, Cole had a make up soccer game tonight, will miss out on his soccer game on Saturday because of dance, but will be able to be there for his team picture that morning. I think Friday morning at the art studio is the only other activity they have this week.

The house is a complete disaster, and I'm stressing out a bit because I need to do major cleaning for the weekend and my parents visiting. Of course, I'm sure my parents could care less about the state of my house, but it needs to get down. I've been delayed a bit with this mission because Ella got sick yesterday. After supper, she was in the living room and I was in the kitchen, and I look over to see two large areas of vomit on the living room rug. Ella threw up four more times after that, finally falling asleep vomit free at 4:30 a.m. I only had about 2-3 hours of sleep last night and am conscious right now mainly due to large quantities of caffeinated coffee drinks.

The other think happening this weekend - Sunday to be exact - is Cory's 37th birthday. Hooray! Unfortunately, we won't be able to spend a lot of the day focusing solely on his because of the recital, but he is taking the next day off, so that will be nice.

Accalia just got her first email address today. Not sure why we never did this before, but I guess she just never expressed an interest. She's having a lot of fun sending emails.

Okay, time to move a sleeping Ella from the couch to the bed and hope Tylan stays asleep while I put her down to do that.

1 comment:

Shannon said...

Good luck with everything!