Here's a glimpse at what her work looks like, too. You can see that she's illustrated each page, written the name of the piece or important information and so forth. Accalia hasn't had an interest in learning to read notes yet; she still prefers to go by the name of the note with her own code for noting when a note is in a higher octave or lower.
Later on in the day we went to something at our local library put on by South Dakota Public Television. The kids listened to three stories, had the chance to meet the mascot, Buddy, and were given a packet of things including a book. Since there were three kiddos in our family, we were able to get all three of the books they were giving away. It's so interesting to watch the differences between Accalia and Cole now that Cole is older and is able and willing to participate in something like this. Accalia is quiet and hardly speaks up unless directly asked a question, while Cole is the sort who will overtake and dominate the conversation and throw out little tidbits or facts that have absolutely nothing to do with the conversation. I wonder what Ella will be like...
Cory ended up having a no show and a cancellation tonight, so he was home around 5:30. Accalia wanted all of us to watch her at swimming lessons, so we went and got to see her practice diving in the deep end of the pool. Hopefully Cory will be able to take Accalia to lessons from now on because Ella really isn't content to stay away from the pool, and that can be rather difficult to convince her to be interested in something else for 35 minutes.
Tomorrow I have to prepare for LLL on Saturday and pack for our overnight trip to Lake Wilson, also on Saturday.
Wow! Wow! That is so cool :) You should record her explanation, so you can share it with her years from now when she's been reading notes for so long she doesn't remember this way... Wow!
Aww, thanks Diana! Accalia loved hearing your comment. :-)
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