On Friday, we met up with friends at the park and spent a while trying to fit in adult conversation while walking up and down the many steps of the play structure with Ella. She could care less about going down the slides that the steps lead to, but give her a climbing opportunity and she is all there.
After lunch and quick naps by Ella and surprisingly Cole and a cool art project that Accalia and I did (try to post picture of it later), we headed to another park for a birthday party. On the way to the park, I had a sudden realization that I could be in for a cool welcome if anyone looked at my bumper stickers ("Will Work for Peace" and "Save a tree/Plant a bush back in Texas") since we were going to celebrate the birthday of a boy whose dad is active with the National Guard and heading back to Iraq later this year. Nothing came of that, though. The kids were all having fun until Accalia fell running down the sidewalk and skinned up the shoulder, hand and knee of one side of her body. Poor girl. It took a while for her to feel better and get back to playing. I did end up having a conversation about homebirth with one of the moms there, which I never expected would happen. Guess that goes to show it helps to throw expectations out the window every now and then, huh?
Last night Cory and I caught up on a couple episodes of Heroes and still have a couple left to watch before we finish watching this first season.
This morning we were all up fairly early to be at the airport by 9 a.m. The Young Eagles were hosting an event where children ages 8-17 could have a free flight. Accalia was able to go up in a RV4 experimental aircraft - just her and the pilot - and she absolutely loved it. If she were a few inches taller, she would have been able to see out of the plane just a bit better. Of course I forgot the camera, but we're hoping that when the airport has their annual fly in pancake breakfast in September that this pilot will be there with his RV4. Here's a picture of Accalia holding her certificate, though:
A little bit after that we went up to the hospital to visit a friend (she was my doula with Ella) who just had her third baby on Friday, a little girl named Eva Katherine.
After that, we headed to the mall because one of the local businesses was hosting a Meet Diego (of Nick Jr. fame) event where you could have your picture taken with Diego, get a rescue pack and free pizza and balloon animals. We got there just as it was starting, and the line was already from one end of the mall to the other. Cory took a picture of the line, which really doesn't do it justice:
We waited in line for nearly an hour and made it about 1/3 of the way to Diego. Employees were going down the line passing out the rescue packs, and a lot of people were leaving after receiving those. We decided to leave when the kids decided running around the McDonald's play area was a much more fun prospect. We walked up to the front of the line where you could have your picture taken so they could see what it looks like, so that was good enough for them. Neither Accalia or Cole care much about Diego, but they wanted those rescue packs. Mission accomplished!
Accalia and Cole have spent much of the afternoon and early evening playing with friends, and Cory has spent much of the day outside weeding. I managed to do some cleaning upstairs while Ella napped.
Now I think I have a diaper to change.
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