
I've started posts in the recent past but have always been interrupted by waking children or children who want my help, etc., so I'm just deleting everything and starting over. I remember those days when I would blog nearly every day, and now it's been nearly one month. Yikes!

Since late August, Cole has had his seventh birthday, which was celebrated mainly with a very rainy camp out that featured a surprise appearance by Grandpa Greve. It was so great driving to our site and seeing my dad sitting there by the campfire. Cole was like a puppy, his entire body shaking with excitement.

Now my birthday will be coming this Tuesday, and I'll be welcoming the big 3-3. I think Cory may try to take that day off from work, but I don't think we have anything else really planned. Originally, Cory was going to be gone nearly this entire week for training in Chamberlain, but that training will now be in November.

The kids are doing great, and so far we've all been healthy for quite a stretch. The only medical issue for the kids has been Accalia's ankle. Last Monday at soccer practice, a teammate accidentally kicked Accalia in the ankle, and I ended up taking her to the doctor the next day because she was barely able to walk on it and it was so swollen. The next day the bruises showed up. No breaks or sprains, but she really got quite the bruise. She's pretty much walking without a limp now, and I think she'll probably go to practice tomorrow. She missed out on a game yesterday, so we just had Cole's game in the morning. Go Panthers!

Tylan, now 13 months, has started taking more and more steps in just the past day or two and is making it 5 or 6 in a row. I'm kind of dreading the improvement in physically abilities since I know how much more work comes for the parent when there's walking and climbing involved, but it's still so much fun to see those leaps and bounds in development. More and more words are trying to be spoken, too. It's always neat to hear what your baby's voice sounds like after waiting so many months.

Still no toilet use from Ella, but her cognitive abilities are going full steam ahead. So, maybe she's just focusing on that development right now and will get to the physical stuff soon after. Let's hope! While both Accalia and Cole tend to go along with groups of kids more than being the instigator, Ella seems to be a natural at taking the lead. At soccer games, for instance, we'll suddenly find Ella with a band of kids, leading them around in play.

Cole's world lately has consisted of legos and Indiana Jones. He also likes staying up a bit later than the rest of us so he can build with legos in peace. He'll also sit at the computer and watch YouTube videos involving legos and Indiana Jones.

Accalia seems to have a million different things she divides up her time with and lately has spent a lot of time with her magazines and puzzle books. The two of us are very excited that the new season of Bones has started again. We had a lot of fun watching Seasons 1-3 over the summer so she could see everything from the beginning.

Once Tylan wakes up from her nap, the kids and I are heading to the library. They want books similar to "There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly" and "There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed a Bat."

1 comment:

Magic and Mayhem said...

Hadn't seen an article from you for a while or heard from you and hope everything is okay. Thinking of you!