
Tylan is apparently helping me prepare for my new early morning gig. Starting tomorrow, I'm going to have a paper route. Yep, that'll take me back to my tween years. It's not a huge amount of money, obviously, but will help us out financially. I've been searching for work I could do at home or without having to leave the kids with a babysitter, and that's been pretty unsuccessful so far. My plan - as often as the weather cooperates - is to just put Tylan in the sling and let her snooze while I do the route. I won't be able to do that tomorrow, though, because I'll be riding along in the paper's van to be trained in by the manager. I'm rather nervous that Tylan won't stay asleep and will be inconsolable during this early morning time, but hopefully it won't take longer than an hour or so.

Yesterday Cory's dad drove down here to drop off some furniture that he doesn't need/want as he prepares to leave the house in Lake Wilson and move in with his soon-to-be wife. He brought us three dressers, one full size bed, one roll away bed, a couple small side tables, and a few misc. things. Now the challenge will be finding a place for everything! Cory is replacing his dresser with one that was actually his mom's, and Cole is also replacing his dresser. We'll now have enough dressers for each member of the family, but we'll have to store the extras away for now.

After lunch I'm taking Accalia and Cole to the library so they can take part in a lego building contest. Their plan as of last night was to construct a park scene. I think I'll probably take Ella and Tylan somewhere else. Going to the library with Ella can be very challenging at times depending on her mood and whether other young children are present. Sometimes we can go and Ella will quietly do the puzzles or play with the puppet theater and look at books. Other times, though, she'll see a new playmate and want to play more loudly and actively than is appropriate for a library. What drives me crazy about many of these times is that the parents of the other kids just sit there (or aren't even in the same area of the library) and watch their kids getting louder and more wild as I try to remove Ella from the situation. Ah, how I long for those days when she was much lighter and distraction worked well. Now Ella will look at me and say, "Go look at books, Mommy!" and point to the other side of the library.

Next weekend will be a busy and interesting time. Myron is getting married next Saturday, August 1, and we'll be driving to Minnesota that morning for the wedding. Afterwards, we'll keep going for a quick trip to Mankato since we haven't been there for a while.

1 comment:

amy said...

Sometimes I feel like ZoraJane already says to me something like Ella's "Go look at books mommy"-but with less words of course. Hers is more of a "Why the eff do you care-come chase me and make as much noise as I'm making!"LOL